781-507-3159 | [email protected]



We Implement the Integrated Pest Management Approach (IPM)

IMG_8308Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a systematic strategy for managing pests which considers prevention, avoidence, monitoring and suppression. Where chemical pesticides are necessary, a preference is given to materials and methods which maximize public safety and reduce environmental risk.

The IPM approach provides long-term solutions to pest problems while reducing reliance on pesticides. Practitioners of IPM view pest problems as symptoms of other conditions. Many pest problems can be solved with non-chemical methods such as structural repairs or by changing human behavior. When these activities cannot solve the pest problem, other methods, including low-risk pesticides are considered. IPM practitioners use the least hazardous approach. Structural IPM can be described by five general practices:

  • Inspection and evaluation of the pest problem.
  • Recommendations for structural repairs and modifications
  • Suggestions to change practices in order to discourage pest presence
  • Selection and use of lowest risk control measures to solve the pest problem
  • Evaluation and discussion of results with the customer

If you are thinking of buying a house. Let Bill Williams make sure you have no termites or other wood destroying insects. VA and FHA inspections are also available.

With over 25 years of experience we can solve any of your pest control needs. In addition, since we are fully Licensed and Insured, you can rest at ease while we service your property.